May 27, 2019

Patellofemoral pain or Runner’s knee

What is Patellofemoral pain? Sometimes called “runner’s knee” or “jumper’s knee” is a broad term to describe pain around or behind the patella (kneecap), which is aggravated by at least […]
May 22, 2019

Exams can be Painful!

The exam period can be a stressful time for many students: long periods of revision hunched over a book, computer or notes and then the exams themselves, with hours of […]
April 28, 2019

Benefits of physical activity

Physical activity is one of the best things you can do for your health. Knowing all the benefits on both physical and mental health, you would think more people would […]
April 28, 2019

Benefits of physical activity

Physical activity is one of the best things you can do for your health. Knowing all the benefits on both physical and mental health, you would think more people would […]
April 21, 2019

Clinical Pilates

History of Pilates and Clinical Pilates   Pilates took its name from Joseph Pilates, who was the inventor of this training method. The initiation of this method is dated back […]
April 15, 2019


Benefits of Daily Walking Routines Walking is a great way to improve or maintain your overall health. Depending upon injury or health issues it’s a simple thing that can greatly […]
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