September 24, 2017

Rhomboids trigger points or “interscapular pain”

How many time have you had a stabbing pain in your upper back that increased with breathing or rolling in bed? Or even felt like s sharp pain into your […]
August 2, 2017

The beautiful world of cycling biomechanics

So, what do you do when your 35 years old physiotherapist and you’ve just been told by your knee surgeon, your saviour from pain that he won’t operate on your […]
July 13, 2017

Neuromuscular Coordination

Neuromuscular Coordination, also known as “motor control” or “muscle memory” is the ability of the nervous system to efficiently recruit a muscle or a group of muscles in order to […]
June 27, 2017

Why do I have knee pain?

Pain in the knee is a very common complaint amongst youngsters and adults nowadays. In the absence of an injury, knee pain can occur for various reasons :   Faulty […]
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