July 7, 2019

Treating Back pain with Dead Lifts

While deadlifts are commonly blamed and thought of as a low back destroyer, research on back pain tends to say just the opposite. Done properly the deadlift should strength your […]
July 1, 2019

Rhabdo: A Drawback of Intense Exercise

Rhabdomyolysis is a condition in which muscle fibers breakdown or get damaged due to direct or indirect muscle injury. This breakdown of muscles causes the release of a protein called […]
June 24, 2019

How do we develop poor posture?

Our clients frequently ask us: • “Is my posture good?” • “How can I fix my posture?” • “Which exercise can fix my posture?” Before we answer those questions it’s […]
June 17, 2019

Simple Reasons to book yourself regular Sports Massage

Simple Reasons to book yourself regular Sports Massage Massage in general has been used by many for years as a luxurious treat, I understand this but why not use it […]
June 9, 2019

The most common injury mistake

If you’ve ever had an injury you’ve either worked through it, worked around it, or eventually rested it! What happens when you “rest” an injury? You take away the aggravation, […]
June 2, 2019

What is pain and how can you help the recovery?

The main objective of this article is that you understand what is pain, the pain experience and how can you help yourself and your therapist through the process of recovery, […]
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