August 18, 2019

Learning to brace (PART II)

This article contains the progression exercises for “learning to brace” article.   Abdominal wall training is a key to preventing recurrent lower back pain and enhancing athletic performance. Traditional exercises […]
August 15, 2019

Looking at shoulder health from a wider perspective

The shoulder complex is one of the most undernourished areas of the human structure. There is great kinetic potential within this powerful area of architecture, and it is crucial that […]
August 5, 2019

Demystifying the ACL reconstruction and dreaded rehabilitation

It’s one of those topics isn’t it, the one greatly feared sporting injury is to pick up an ACL rupture which will put a full stop to your sporting endeavors […]
July 28, 2019

The simplest exercise with the biggest benefits

Walking. It can improve your performance, body composition and recovery all at once even though so many of us avoid it because we don’t have time.  So, what must we […]
July 21, 2019


When to rest? “How many rest days do I need?”, “How do I know when I’m doing too much?” and “Why do I feel so guilty about resting?”. I’m going […]
July 14, 2019

Proper nursing posture

Most new mothers are so pre-occupied with their new little poop factories that they forget to worry about themselves. Many women end up with back pain after giving birth and […]
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