October 25, 2018

The Importance of Self-help for Back Pain

World Spine Day: The Importance of Self-help for Back Pain   Tuesday, October 16th marked the annual World Spine Day. Organised by the World Federation of Chiropractic, World Spine Day highlights the […]
October 22, 2018


  Magnesium   Trouble sleeping? Getting regular muscle cramps or crazy sore after a workout? Feeling stressed out and down or keep forgetting things? All of these can be signs […]
October 8, 2018

Ligament Injuries and Healing Times

What is a Ligament?   Ligaments are dense bands of fibrous connective tissue that serve to join two or more bones of the musculoskeletal system. Ligaments cross joints with wide […]
September 16, 2018

Smoking and its influence on physiologic processes and exercise

Introduction   Smoking takes many forms and overall is one of the most commonly used recreational drugs, along with being one of the leading causes of death in the world. Tobacco […]
August 30, 2018

Muscle tension

What is muscle tension?   Muscle tension is a condition in which muscles remain semi-contracted for a prolonged period. It is normally caused by the physiological effects of stress and […]
August 30, 2018

Should all training be perfect?

If you watch any sport at an elite level you will still observe technical imperfections among athletes. You might imagine that while watching a world powerlifting championships, you would see […]
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