January 17, 2016

Eccentric Muscle Training with Tirante Musculador

When a patient comes to visit our Clinic complaining of knee pain, it is very important to make a good anamnesis and exhaustive assessment; this will help us a lot […]
December 28, 2015

Improve your CrossFit!

One of the biggest mistakes I witness in beginner or intermediate crossfitters that want to improve in CrossFit(CF) do is to solely train a basic CF program. The many components and […]
December 17, 2015

This festive season… Eat Mindful not Mindless

Holiday parties and festivities are coming, and food temptations are BIG!! Make smart choices that will allow you to enjoy yourself WITHOUT adding extra weight which will be a hassle […]
November 30, 2015

Why do you have a brain?

Why do you have a brain? To think… to feel? According to neuroscientist Daniel Wolpert in his Ted talk, the brain evolved, not to think or feel, but to control […]
November 18, 2015

The importance of Self-Myofascial/trigger point release

  Self myofascial/trigger point release involves using tools such as foam roller or trigger point balls to release tension in muscles/tendons that result from various reasons such as post-training, faulty […]
October 21, 2015

Do you suffer from chondromalacia?

Chondromalacia is a progressive wear of the underlying patellar cartilage due to uncorrected alignment of the patella throughout the femoral groove. This injury is marked by pain in the knee […]
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